DLBB Separate Souls Dragonsb- ayne Fanart Misc.

Separate Souls

Separate Souls is a story project that is currently only very loosely formed in my head, having originally started out as literally just a list of various fantasy setting characters I had lying around/would occasionally reuse for roleplays. But I'll try to summarize it anyway.

Set in the country of Castalandt, several different stories are set in motion at various points across the expansive Kingdom. A foreign priestess in distress and her unlikely rescuers, a pair of odd guardians protecting a mysterious treasure horde from outsiders, an ex-teacher struggling to control an impoverished barony housing a magical secret, an orphan investigating a prestigous academy with a dark history, a runaway princess and the panic that's left in her wake; although disconnected at first glance, the motley assortment of characters are all linked to one another via a forbidden power, and the ever-present threat of mana corruption.

Here is some art for you to browse: